Yannis Family Restaurant in Lansdale

Questions and answers

Is this the place that makes home fried potatoes with cream chipped beef over top of the potatoes


How come this Place is still Open ..?? Very Unsanitary Waitresses make your toast with the same unwashed they took Cash at the Register with And handled Dirty Dishes with Also NASTY and Cracked up Dishes they put your food in ONE WORD "DISGUSTING "

I was the waitress that was there this day. I want you to know some things. First we passed our board of health test twice this year so that's how we are still open. We have a bleach and soap bucket under our counter that we keep our rags in. I use hand sanitizer and wash my hands constantly throughout the day. I had board of health sit and watch me for 6 hours and I aced it. We wear gloves in the back area to handle the toast. You could have complained to me in person if it was such an issue and I would have handled the situation. Sorry you feel this way. But we at yannis are a family based restaurant and I could not just let you bad mouth my family.

Do you have steak and eggs. Are you wheelchair accessible?


Wheel chair accessible.?


Wheel chair accessible?


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